(Presumed) American Bullfrog in a Secluded Spot

This American Bullfrog thought it had found a spot where no giant, potentially dangerous animals would spot it, but then I came along. Even if you're not crazy about frogs [1] this is 1 cool-looking frog. And this spot at Lord Stirling Park gives the surrounding area an almost jungle-like vibe.

Although I got an ID of American Bullfrog, I'm waffling a little on the ID. The dorsolateral ridges that usually distinguish the species can't be seen from this angle, and both American Bullfrogs and Green Frogs can have white throats/undersides [2].

May 12, 2023 at Lord Stirling Park
Photo 282422437, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

[1] Of course I'm joking. What sort of wacky weirdo wouldn't be crazy about frogs?

[2] Males of both species can have a yellow throat, making it more likely this is a female.


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