Beaver Dams Walkway

After being told about it, I took this picture of a Fairview Farm walkway that was apparently "dammed" by an American Beaver. Although this now looks like some sort of rodent-esque obsessive-compulsive disorder, I suppose I should acknowledge that it's possible that a small amount of water might flow down this trail when we get a sufficient amount of rain [1].

My suspicion is that this dam wasn't particularly effective at curbing water flow; the boards are slightly elevated, and unless the beaver stuffed sticks under the boards in addition to on top of them [2], I'd expect water to continue to flow. 

To the right of this picture there's a small (possibly man-made) pond where the beaver presumably lives/works. Unfortunately the beaver itself wasn't available for a photo-op.

June 21, 2023 at Fairview Farm

[1] The boards are presumably there so people can avoid the worst of the mud when things get wet here.

[2] I didn't think to examine the bottom of the dam closely, though it looked like most of the sticks were placed on the boards.


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