Halloween Pennant

This may seem like a seasonal time to show you a Halloween Pennant, though they got their name from their orangish (or burnt orange, or tan/orange) coloring rather than the time you're likely to see them. Like all odonates (dragonflies and damselflies), these guys are predators; they definitely don't acquire their orange coloring by downing pumpkin spice lattes.

Here in NJ, sightings can occur early in October, but I wouldn't really expect to see one now. Peak Halloween Pennant is July, when this picture was taken. Despite this, if on Halloween a kid dressed as a Halloween Pennant showed up at my door, I'd certainly be generous with candy for that crazy little entomologist-in-training. (Of course, if the kid was "in character", he/she would probably want me to give them gnats or flies instead of chocolate.)

July 14, 2021 at Duke Farms
Photo 148187182, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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