European Starling

Here's a singing European Starling. They are probably the #1 invasive bird species in North America, only rivaled by the House Sparrow. They were intentionally introduced in Central Park in NYC; legend says it was so that all the birds mentioned in the works of Shakespeare could be enjoyed here in the US. The original 60 that were released now form a population estimated around 150 million birds. Unfortunately their success doesn't come free, as they've replaced native bird species as they've carved out a home here.

Starlings are considered mimics, able to imitate other birds like meadowlarks, jays, and hawks. Their own songs seem to be a busy, jumbled collection of warbles, whistles, trills, rattles, and chatters. They're not the most melodious singers in the bird world, though it's possible to appreciate their vocalizing dexterity.

July 14, 2021 at Duke Farms
Photo 148187900, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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