Song Sparrow Building Materials

They do more than just sing; I'm thinking this Song Sparrow was in the process of building a nest and went out to get additional materials. This particular Song Sparrow is probably not a singer since females build the nests while males do the singing, and those certainly look like materials that would make a cozy nest [1]. (Finding some stiff grasses and flexible twigs are probably similar to a trip to Home Depot or Lowes for humans.)

This nest will probably be on the ground or within 4 feet of the ground, hopefully getting some protection by being inside a shrub of some sort. They'll frequently have 2+ clutches of eggs in a single season; this is almost certainly the 1st clutch that she's preparing for.

May 25, 2023 at Duke Farms
Photo 292817981, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

[1] Since the female builds the nest, it's the female that's the handyman of the marriage. 


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