Cleverly Hidden Groundhog

Let's combine Groundhog Day and Throwback Thursday with one of my more interesting Groundhog (aka Woodchuck [1]) pictures.

When working at Alcatel-Lucent (later bought by Nokia) I would go for a walk outside after lunch. One day I spotted this Groundhog attempting to hide under a bench. I'm used to Groundhogs seeing me and loping awkwardly away, usually to hide in thick vegetation or a hole. Presumably this Groundhog decided a nearby bench was a better refuge than a more distant thicket or hole [2].

I can imagine this little fella thinking "He'll never find me under this bench!".

June 7, 2018 at Murray Hill
Photo 20774264, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

[1] I grew up calling them Woodchucks, and still do for 364 days out of the year. But on Groundhog Day I "go with the flow" and call them Groundhogs.

[2] Considering I'm not a true predator, the decision turned out to be a sound one. Still, if I had been a Coyote, Bobcat, or Fisher, things could have gone south for the Groundhog pretty quickly.


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