Serious Turkey

Here's a picture of one of the Duke Farms Wild Turkeys. I believe there are 4-5 flocks of these turkeys roaming around the property, which probably means some 15-40 turkeys that could potentially be found there. Yet most of the time you won't see 1 on a visit, mostly because they're pretty skilled at hiding/fleeing from people. (On this day I was lucky and saw more than 1.)

Since Wild Turkeys fly pretty well for short distances, the fencing around the Duke Farms core is nothing more than a minor inconvenience for them. I suspect the only time the fencing impacts their lives is when immature turkeys are with their mother, rendering the overall family earthbound until the kids can fly. Otherwise they no doubt move inside and outside the fence whenever it's convenient.

Does this turkey look extremely serious to you? (That reminds me of my expression when a program isn't working, I know approximately where the bug is, but haven't quite figured it out.)

August 31, 2022 at Duke Farms
Photo 229849442, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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