Female American Bullfrog

For good or ill, female American Bullfrog are not called American Cowfrogs. (Apparently this is what a cowfrog looks like, though I'm skeptical of the biological reliability of that webpage.)

You know the way you heard about all the invasive species that are altering (almost never for the better) our local ecosystems? The American Bullfrog is a local species that's accused of invading other ecosystems; they're our little green invaders.

I'm pretty confident this is a female American Bullfrog because the eardrum (more properly a tympana) isn't larger than the eye. In fact in this individual the tympana looks slightly smaller. (Presumably male American Bullfrogs find that to be terribly attractive.)

August 30, 2022 at Washington Valley Park
Photo 229847565, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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