Awkwardly Basking Snapping Turtle

Here's another picture of a basking Common Snapping Turtle. As I've mentioned before, these turtles are infrequent above-water baskers, instead preferring to catch less sunlight while staying in the water. I tend to think they're really uncomfortable/insecure when out of the water (very much like the "fish out of water" euphemism); when they're out of water they have a reputation for being aggressive and bad-tempered, but in the water they're unlikely to snap at you unless directly threatened.

When they do bask out of the water, they can look awkward and out-of-place. Here's one that I spotted on some wood projecting out of the water of a small pond. At the risk of anthropomorphizing this guy, doesn't it look like a shipwreck survivor clinging to jetsam while sadly hoping to be rescued? (Visually I'd like to offer it help, but intellectually I know it's just fine and wouldn't welcome any attempt to aid it.)

June 10, 2022 at Negri Nepote Native Grassland Preserve
Photo 209943332, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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