Downy Woodpecker

Though this picture was from last autumn, you can see Downy Woodpeckers pretty much any time of the year around here. They're probably a little easier to find in the winter since the trees they forage in don't have a lot of foliage cover.

Though they don't migrate seasonally, woodpeckers will sometimes immigrate to a new location if their current location isn't favorable. Individuals won't return to that location if conditions improve, though future generations might recolonize it.

This is our smallest woodpecker and is frequently distinguished from the also-fairly-small Hairy Woodpecker by the Downy's proportionately short bill. While we usually focus on woodpecker's long/hard/durable beaks, their tongues are also specialized for their unique lifestyles.

I think this is a picture of a male Downy Woodpecker; I think I see a hint of red on the top of the head, though the positioning isn't ideal for judging gender.

September 24, 2021 in Bridgewater, NJ
Photo 168288195, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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