Pickerel Frogs

Late last summer I was finding quite a few Pickerel Frogs at the Washington Valley Reservoir. I guess you could say that things were really hopping down at the ole reservoir. 

These frogs are a little smaller than the other frogs I typically run across (American Bullfrogs, Green Frogs, Leopard Frogs) but are fairly noticeable and distinctive looking. They're not like those Spring Peepers, who you can hear a bunch of them around you and still not find a frog. And these Pickerel Frogs were found a little way away from water; many frogs escape my camera by simply jumping in the water. The 2nd frog did try and hide in the local vegetation though.

September 7, 2021 at the Washington Valley Reservoir
Photo 167829440, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

September 7, 2021 at the Washington Valley Reservoir
Photo 167829767, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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