Common Wood-Nymphs

This was one of the first pictures I got this year of the Common Wood-Nymph, and probably the first one I've got of a pair mating. They're also a butterfly I've shown you before.

The Common Wood-Nymph is considered one of the satyr butterflies. Lepidopterology is a field of study where you can state that a "nymph is a satyr" without people thinking you don't understand classical mythology.

In my area they are pretty distinctive; the eye spots on a yellow patch are unique around here. Apparently in some areas they have the same eye spots and the same overall gray, but lack the yellow patch, making them harder to ID at a glance.

July 22, 2021 at Fairview Farm
Photo 148400547, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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