Mourning Dove

Although it's easy to find Mourning Doves here in NJ, a bird feeder really can draw them close for a good look at them. The feeder got in the way a little, but this is good enough to get a good sense of what these birds look like.

Mourning Doves are supposed to "coo", but their vocalization also sounds like a "whoo" - the person convinced he hears but can't find an owl in broad daylight may be hearing a Mourning Dove instead.

Doves/pigeons - there's not a heck of a lot of difference between doves and pigeons - feed their offspring crop milk, a regurgitated substance that provides similar nutrition as mammalian milk.

Normally these birds like to feed off the ground, though flat hanging platforms like some bird feeders will also suffice.

July 18, 2021 at Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary
Photo 148188219, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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