
This was the first Monarch butterfly I photographed in 2021. This is a little anticlimactic for 2 reasons:

  1. Since this time, I've taken many Monarch butterfly pictures.
  2. I think I had been spotting Monarchs for almost a month before this picture even though I missed getting a photograph for one reason or another.
Notice that this Monarch isn't on a flower looking for nectar; it appears to be on a milkweed (probably Common Milkweed) leaf. It's at least possible that this was a female looking to lay an egg on a milkweed leaf. (I didn't check this; it's possible that getting to the plant would have meant traipsing further into a meadow than I wanted.)

July 10, 2021 at Duke Farms
Photo 148186168, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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