Fowler's Toadlet

Last spring I saw a couple people looking at something on a Duke Farms road. It turned out to be a Fowler's Toad toadlet.

Our toads (Fowler's and American) are interesting to photograph. Their first instincts are to hop into dense vegetation, which can make them difficult to photograph. But if they don't see a promising escape route, their second plan is to stay very still, which can make them quite easy to photograph.

I don't remember very well just how small this fella was, but I'm pretty sure it was under an inch long. I think that at this stage of its life, it eats the same types of stuff that an adult eats, it just needs to find smaller versions of invertebrates to eat.

May 18, 2021 at Duke Farms
Photo 132039518, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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