Geometer Moth

Here's someone for which I don't have an ID. I'm pretty sure it's one of the geometer moths, but I'm not sure the angle of the photo makes it possible to narrow it down to a species. Someone on iNaturalist suggested a Curve-toothed Geometer Moth, though the back wings don't give me a scalloped impression. I think a Large Maple Spanworm is another candidate, and thumbing through my field guide I could probably make a case for 2-3 more species.

What I like about this photograph is that you could easily miss that there's a moth here at all; it really blends in well with the leaves left over from last autumn. I didn't spot it there; I saw it fly over there, and was able to spot it among the leaves once it landed. (Even knowing where it landed, I had some difficulty getting my camera on the right spot.)

April 28, 2021 at the Plainsboro Preserve
Photo 128319532, (c) jpviolette, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


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