Common Spitting Spider

I believe this is a Common Spitting Spider; at least that was the identification I got from iNaturalist, and that spider looks very much like the one I met. They're also pretty small; females are about half a centimeter in size, and males are a little smaller than that.

I didn't have the magnification to get a good look at the head, but these are 6-eyed spiders, differentiating it from most spiders that have 8.

The spitting spiders get their name from their fairly unusual method of hunting. They creep close to their intended meal (lots of spiders do this) and then spit a venom-glue at their meal (unique to the spitting spiders).

Like the Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider I talked about a couple days ago, this spider was hunting in my doorway, and probably looking to make a meal out of a mayfly or one of the smaller moths drawn to the light there. (This is another spider than frequently hangs around man-built structures to eat small arthropods that live near us.)


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